All track endpoints require authentication. Include your authorization token in the request headers:Authorization: Bearer your-auth-token
Get all liked tracks for the authenticated user
result: Array<{
id: number;
createdAt: string;
userId: number;
artist: string;
endTime: string;
trackId: string;
title: string;
isNew: boolean;
label: string;
labelSlug: string;
likeDate: string;
musicTrackId: number;
referenceCount: number;
slug: string;
startTime: string;
Add a new liked track for the authenticated user
Delete a liked track for the authenticated user
Get all saved tracks for the authenticated user
result: Array<{
databaseId: number,
id: number,
createdAt: string,
userId: number,
addedBy: string,
addedById: number,
addedOn: string,
artworkUrl: string,
audioStreamReprocesses: json('audio_stream_reprocesses'),
audioStreamType: number,
canReprocess: boolean,
channel: string,
createdOn: string,
detectionProcesses: json('detection_processes'),
duration: string,
externalId: string,
favoriteCount: number,
likeCount: number,
processingPriority: number,
slug: string,
status: number,
styles: json('styles'),
title: string,
url: string,
Add a new saved track for the authenticated user
Delete a saved track for the authenticated user